Pictures Slideshow

Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh My Gosh "Closets!!!"

Today was clean our closets day!! I took four boxes of baby clothes to the DI!!(most of it was my neice Megan's clothes that were so out of style we about died laughing, she is fourteen now, so you can imagine what kind of stuff we ran into) I took one box and five garbage sacks full of clothes from my closet!! I bought bins to organize all the baby clothes, we labeled each box so no matter what age or what size of baby we get, I can just go to the right bin and the right size of stuff, and now we are all ready for a new baby to come into our home!! Thanks to the Fausett family, and the Zollinger family for all their help getting us ready for our home study!!! We couldn't have done it without you!!! Moral of this story is the state makes you have the safest house, so if I ever watch your kids at my home, you can be reassured that this is a safe house!!


Jenn said...

We ran into some real treasures, didn't we? We should have taken before and after pictures. Sorry we didn't come back for dinner...hopefully it's just allergies, but I'd rather not share any germs that we might have!

Destenee said...

Just don't show the social worker your iron burn...she might not trust you with children! Good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. Call me and let me know what the heck you guys did for 4 hours!

The Waldrons said...

You may have the safest house alright, but no one else that I know would try to iron clothing while it was on them. Like Dest said, don't let the social worker see your burn. We wish you all the luck in the world, but I know you will be fine. Let us know how it went. Love ya Jami!!!!
Angie and Fam